The Upper Shelves On Tour With the Mighty Peptones

Catch the Upper Shelves in support of the nation's greatest R&R act, the Peptones

Saturday 30th of January, Nederland 3, Wateringen
Saturday 13th of February, De Vinger, Den Haag
Saturday 20th of March, de Trucker, Pijnacker

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wendy Rene - Bar-B-Q

It is around this time of year that I really start to get the itch for spring. Somehow I kid myself every year into thinking that spring begins in February. Maybe it is all the crocuses springing up! I get a deep graving for Bar-B-Q even though it is cold and dark outside. My mouth starts to water when I think of Hot-Dogs and Hamburgers. Unfortunately spring is months away. Untill then we'll just have to make do with this great Wendy Rene record. It certainly feels like spring when she heats up the turn table!

Available on After Hours 2: More Northern Soul Masters

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